When it comes to your business card, you’ve probably considered doing just about anything to stand out. After all, a basic paper business card doesn’t leave much of a lasting impression, does it? The industry has seen many trends and gimmicks come and go. Some of these include holographic cards, digital business cards, and more. However, one variant that has stood the test of time is the chic, classy metal business card.
Of course, if you’ve ever looked into buying a stack of metal cards for yourself, you’ve probably noticed a fair price difference between those and their metal counterparts. While it would be simple enough to say that metal business cards are more expensive simply because of the materials, that’s not the entire truth. While the material has a great impact on the overall cost, the metal used isn’t the only factor that drives the price up.
So what does make a metal business card more costly?
Compared to your average paper business card, metal business cards are, by nature, much more complicated to manufacture. They require a great deal of time, skill, and energy to create. Even with the aid of specialized printing equipment, there’s a lot that can go wrong when you’re fabricating a metal business card.
For instance, though every company works around the clock to avoid it, accidents and misprints do happen. With paper, it’s easier to start over and try again. With metal, that can add up to a larger sunken cost which can impact a business greatly. Thankfully, most businesses have rock-solid printing operations that help them avoid any errors on the production side of things.
Also, comparatively, you can’t simply print out a sheet of metal business cards and then cut them out. The fabrication process has numerous different steps that all have varying levels of complexity.
For example, say that you’re looking to purchase a steel business card. Steel is an effective material that leaves a strong impression but doesn’t drive costs up dramatically. However, the labor required to make a handful of cards is quite involved.
That’s quite the list, isn’t it? The thing is, though, that these are just a handful of the many steps involved in creating a quality metal business card. The entire process can be much more rigorous and involved. When you factor in all the tools, processes, and labor required, it’s only natural that the price of a metal card is higher than that of a paper one.
“Well, if it’s so expensive, I’ll just find someone who can do it cheaper.” These words are heard in almost every single industry. And you know what? They’re often true. There’s almost always someone who is willing to do a job for less. However, there’s also a key phrase to keep in mind: “You get what you pay for.”
Sure, there may be a possibility that you’re able to score some high-quality metal business cards for pennies on the dollar. Unfortunately, the reality is that you’re much more likely to get half-finished or amateurish products. The cost involved in a metal business card isn’t just representative of all the work that goes into it. It’s also representative of the finished card’s overall quality.
There are a few common drawbacks of cheap metal business cards. For starters, cheap metal business cards are often warped and inconsistent. If you’re trying to show off your professional side, passing out warped cards can greatly impact your reputation.
Also, many “more-affordable” brands are able to charge lower prices because they use inexpensive metals. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with a cheap metal, per se, they tend to be much more porous which means that they’re both flimsier and harder to design. Flimsy metals don’t hold etching and artwork as well and they also don’t feel as robust when you’re holding the finished product.
Perhaps most importantly, cheap metal business cards are almost always lacking the important “wow factor” that every aspiring professional wants. If you’re looking to make career moves, network more effectively, or build your brand, you need something that can showcase who you are. When you hand out a poorly designed or amateurish business card, it projects an immediate statement about your values and who you are.
Your business card is almost as important as a first impression. And while a first impression may fade over time, that business card is a permanent physical reminder of that moment in time. That’s why it’s important to choose a high-quality, reputable designer to help execute your vision.
When it’s time to pick a designer, it’s true that there are plenty of options on the market. While you could spend hours, even days, searching for the right business, we’re here to tell you that you don’t have to look any further.
At Metal Business Cards, we pride ourselves on our streamlined design process and our high standards. We believe that integrity comes first. When you’re passing out a metal business card that we’ve designed to your liking, you’re passing out a small piece of us. We don’t want to misrepresent you or your business in any way. That’s why we’ve assembled a strong team of artists and designers that can take your professional vision and turn it into a standout metal business card that will get potential connections talking.
If you’d like to discuss our design process more in-depth or learn more about metal business cards in general, contact us today. You owe it to yourself to partner with the best in the business. Complete our form to get a no obligation price quote today.
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