
8 Reasons Why Personal Business Cards Are Still Relevant In The Digital Age

September 5, 2018

Do you still carry contact cards when you attend networking functions? Do business cards factor into your promotional strategy? If not, then it's time to go back to basics and invest in professional or personal business cards. Here's why they are still relevant in the digital age.

Have you just run out of business cards? Normally, you wouldn't hesitate to order another pack. But, recently you've heard some people saying that business cards are going out of style.

Is it even worth it to keep yourself stocked up on business cards? With increasing technology, it's all too easy to share LinkedIn pages and email addresses without the need for a card.

But personal business cards aren't dead yet! They still hold a valuable place in face-to-face marketing.

Do you want to know why? Keep reading to discover 8 reasons why personal business cards are still relevant in the digital age.

1. They Help Your First Impression

It's no secret that making a good first impression is vital when networking or talking to potential clients. There are many ways to make a good first impression and presenting yourself properly is one of them.

But this goes further than how you dress or how your hair is cut. Personal contact cards help complete someone's first impression of you.

A clean, well-organized card will help you look professional, while a unique card may help you seem more creative. This is vital when potential clients will have several companies to choose from.

2. They Help You Connect with Different Audiences

Who is your target audience? Are they male or female? Young or old? No matter who it is, personal business cards can help you connect with them.

If your target audience is older or more traditional, know that they will still expect a business card. Showing up to a meeting without one may make you seem unprofessional in their eyes.

Even if your potential clients are younger or more technology-forward, you can create business card for them. There are tons of color, shape, and material options that can help your potential clients see how you are an out-of-the-box thinker. If you want to really wow them go for a bottle opener card or a gold metal card.

3. They Increase Brand Awareness

When you're starting your own business, brand awareness is important to build your customer base and get more repeat customers. There are many things that go into creating strong brand awareness, personal business cards being one of them.

When designing your personal contact card, you should include your company logo and keep the colors and design elements similar to what you use on your website and advertisements. This will help you create a cohesive brand image and build your customers' awareness.

4. They Are Convenient

Most of the time, we talk about how convenient technology is. That's why we send emails instead of mailing letters and save electronic files instead of using bulky filing cabinets (usually). But sometimes technology doesn't help.

Traditional business cards allow you to swap information quickly and efficiently without having to stop your conversation. If you forego business cards in favor of directly putting their email address or number into your phone, you'll have to halt your conversation to do this.

Not only can this be awkward, but it opens you up to potential mistakes. Just getting one number or letter wrong, means you won't be able to contact them. In reality, it's so much easier to just hand out a business card.

5. They Are Shareable

When we talk about the importance of business cards, sometimes we forget the biggest benefit of them all - they're shareable. You can leave them out on in public places or hand several out at once.

If you opt for unique card design, chances are people will want to show them with their coworkers. You'll reach a larger audience than you would by relying on face-to-face meetings to share your contact info.

6. They Will Be Found Later On

"Why spend money on business cards? They'll just get thrown in a cluttered desk drawer or lost in a wallet." While it's true that business cards end up all sorts of places, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

When you give someone your email address or phone number directly, chances are it'll just get lost in their overflowing address book never to be seen again. Even if you send the first email, it'll be buried by hundreds of emails within a few weeks.

Opting for personal business cards leave a physical trace behind. They may come across your card while cleaning their wallet out or organizing their desk. This gives them a chance to remember your business and they may even shoot you an email!

7. They'll Help You Seem Prepared

Imagine you're at a networking event. Each conversation seems to end the same: "Do you have a business card?" Now imagine you're the only person out of the dozens of people your potential client has met with that says "no."

Chances are you won't come off as technology-forward, but rather unprepared. "Who shows up to a business event without a card?" they think as you quickly lose a sale. Business cards are affordable and small, so it can't hurt to carry a few with you so you seem prepared and professional wherever you go.

8. They Legitimize Your Business

The importance of business cards can't be overlooked when you're just starting out. They are the easiest way to create a professional image while your website and advertising efforts are still in the works.

Let's say you show up at a business meeting with potential clients or investors. You tell them all about your startup but are empty-handed when they ask for a business card. They may begin to think that your company is fake or that you don't know what you're doing.

But having that tiny card to hand out helps to show that your business is real. They can now see that you have solid contact information and have started your branding attempts by creating personal contact cards.

Why Personal Business Cards Matter

You may be wondering if business cards are still important in a technology-focused world. Although technology has touched many aspects of business, it hasn't made personal business cards obsolete. As an affordable, yet important part of your success, business cards shouldn't be overlooked.

Are you ready to wow people with your business card? Check out our product page for unique business cards.

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