Your business card is going to be the thing people refer to as they consider calling you to use your services. Does your business card design say "hire me"?
The reports that you may have heard about the death of the business card are greatly exaggerated. Business cards are just as important as ever, and so is business card design.
In fact, it's more important than ever to have an efficient and engaging business card, even in this world of digital-everything.
Here are some of the things that a professionally designed and printed business card says about you.
In this day, you might be shocked to know how much business is still done and how many leads are acquired via good old-fashioned face-to-face networking.
In fact, consider these stats:
The tasteful exchange of a professional business card is still a deal-breaking or making step in meeting someone, whether it's a would-be client or would-be boss.
There is also a giant myth out there that Millenials don't appreciate or like business cards. Nothing could be further from the truth.
They're a generation that's grown up with digital requests every single day. "Add me," "Follow me," "Like me," "Share me." So this piece of tangible connection is still a bit novel to them. They're far more likely to examine the card thoroughly and keep it.
This generation, surprisingly, has a real love affair with paper and print. They're more likely to respond to old-school paper things that Generation Xers took for granted, like business cards, greeting cards, and public libraries.
Professional business card design can also instantly help you stand out as a serious professional and someone to be taken seriously.
A bad card is arguably worse than no card at all. Many people will think, "If this person claims to be a pro, but didn't put any serious thought or money into their business card design, it's probably indicative of how they treat everything else."
But if you're presented with an impressive card, you're going to feel impressed. You will instantly put this new acquaintance in a different thought-space than most other people you meet.
They will be fresher in your mind when you're in need of their product or service or need to refer a friend their way.
Simply put, cheap cards make you look cheap. And not cheap and in an "affordable and good value" sort of way. Cheap as in, "Low quality and cheap for a reason."
Another misconception is that you hand someone a business card and wait/ hope for them to call. That may have been how things were done 15 years ago, but no longer.
Business cards don't replace digital forms of communication, they complement them, perfectly.
If you have a current offer or promotion, you need to create a custom business card design just for this promo. And your card needs to feature the offer and a specific call-to-action.
Don't just send people to a static landing page. That's a good way to waste traffic. Instead, send them to a custom landing page that matches the exact same look, feel, and branding as the card.
Also, make sure your offer is front and center. If your card-recipient is promised a free consultation and the landing page makes no mention of a free consultation, your target is going to think they have arrived in the wrong place and leave.
Use a custom landing page, with a specific headling and greeting. Also, make sure you use a simple URL like That way it's easy to type in with no mistakes, and you can use the custom URL to track your results.
A messy and cluttered business card doesn't help you come off as professional. If your card is a mess, you look like a mess.
Of course, with so many possible touch-points in today's workplace, your business card could have your
The challenge of smart business card design is getting as much information as possible across, while still keeping a simple and clean look.
One "hack" that a lot of people are embracing is the QR code. That way, people can just scan your card with their smartphones to get all of your contact information, yet you've left room for brilliant design or artwork on the card itself.
This is really a way to differentiate yourself from the competition and stand above them.
Let's say you're thinking about hiring Company A or Company B. The rep from Company A was nice enough and you've got their pretty standard business cards somewhere in your desk.
But, the sales rep from Company B gave you a very cool metal business card. It's still on your desk because you've shown at least 3 people how neat the card is.
Who do you think will get the account?
It's important to stand out. That being said, don't look like you're trying too hard. People have experimented with various levels of shapes and sizes for their business card design.
Don't go too far out into left field. Your card needs to stand out, but never at the expense of your targets being able to pocket and carry your business cards.
Since 2003, we've been the leading specialist in metal business cards, in a wide variety of metal finishes including gold, black, copper and stainless steel, as well as spot colors and custom die cut shapes.
What can we do for you? Find out by clicking here for a free quote today!
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